Saturday, September 13, 2014

Beyond 14

I went to visit my dad the other day.  He asked if I was still running.  "Yes, dad. Still running"  It was my 170th day of streaking.  The idea that I'm streaking to him is crazy. But as runners, we take "crazy" as a compliment.

I admit, it's crazy even to ME that I've gone this far with it. But crazy is as crazy does. 

So, I'm doing. 

Finally doing my first whole crazy. That's right, 26.2! That's in one month. But before I tackle that, I have another half crazy in just a week! Another first for me..a trail race. Here's hoping I can stay vertical. If you don't follow me on Facebook, you can do so here. That way you're in the loop and don't have to wait for a blog post.

Here we are, 20 weeks into my informal training plan and I've tackled a few long runs, intervals and tempo runs. When I see the long runs in my training schedule I freak out a little. The last 14 miler I attempted back in February was a huge failure. I had pain on the outside of my right knee and pushed through 8 miles with pain. Granted it was more of a hobble, then a run or walk, but I was too stubborn to stop.

Stubborn got me a front row seat on my couch for a while catching up on The Young and the Restless and yet another character change."Phyllis" was pushed down the stairwell and is in a coma with a new face and body. Pretty remarkable. In between the daytime TV drama and character switcharoo I went to work on fixing myself. No, not the stubbornness. There's no fixing that. But I'm learning.

ITBS. When I first saw this I thought of IBS. Ya. I did. It's not the same ! Shocking. If you know what ITBS is then you know it's not related to the other. Iliotibial Band Syndrome is a common injury to runners. Mostly due to overuse. I took to the internet to learn more about how to prevent it and how to make myself better. I looked at several videos and discovered this one. I highly recommend it.

Don't underestimate the power in your ass, hamstrings and quads! Strengthen them and you will never have an issue. I have been pain free since March. It's a beautiful thing. When you feel good, you perform good. Period.

Part of feeling good has a lot to do with what's on your feet. My love of Altra's is no secret. Their shoes are the best thing that ever happened to me as a runner. I put on my first pair for my HM in January and while I should have spent a little more time in them before the race, I haven't worn any other brand since. My collection has grown quite a bit. My latest is the Lone Peak 1.5 for my upcoming trail race. But before those I bought the One2  This shoe is Ah- May- Zing! Better than the Torin's which I also love. But the One2's are ridiculously awesome. Like seriously. Go buy a pair.

Besides shoes, but just as important if not MORE important is nutrition. Let's face it, there are lots and lots of options out there.  From gels to drinks and everything in between, you are bound to find something that works for you.  It may take you a while and lots of samples, but you'll get it. I found something that works.  Read on.......

While I don't have a ton of experience as a runner, I've learned a few things along the way. Mostly from trial and error, stubbornness and a lot of it from all the great pages I follow on Facebook. Besides all the great info, there is a ton of support and encouragement from this community of runners. I invite you to check it out.

Attempting the next few long runs was going to require some encouragement and support from my family and of course my FB family.  I was truly overwhelmed with everyone's kind and encouraging words. I felt confident in getting this 16 miler done. My gadgets were charged, including my Avantree Jogger*, my shoes were tied and mentally I was pumped!

Off I went one Sunday morning before the sun came up to take in the fresh air and enjoy my long run. I opted for the route that takes me through a portion of my city. It's a mix of hills, both up and down and flat in some spots. I like the variety. Bonus is smelling the bacon frying from the Village Inn, Ihop, and coffee from Starbucks. Not to get off the subject here but I read something not too long ago about how it might be possible to get the effects/benefits of carbs by just smelling them. Huh? Okay, well, it was something along those lines.  Listen, I've never been a great joke teller. I somehow manage to mess up the punch line...Every. Single. Time.

Moving on.  I cranked along the first 8 miles no problem. I didn't bring any water so I stopped at a convenience store for a little sip of water with a splash of coke. Contemplating a snack for the way back, I remembered all the advice. Stick to what you know. Don't add anything new.  Truth is, I didn't feel hungry,but it's not about feeling hungry. It's about taking in the nutrition you NEED. I finished up my coke water and after a quick assessment of my body. No pain? Check. Sweat dripping? Check. I headed back. The visualization technique I use is probably one you've used yourself. I picture myself at a certain place in my route. Say the corner of Southern and 528. Roughly 6 miles from my current location. When I get to that location, I then visualize myself in the trail that leads to my house. And so on. The last location I visualized was in front of the fridge shoveling every piece of food in my mouth. Must have been too much for my stomach to bear, because I suddenly got a side stitch with 2 miles left to go.  I was in the home stretch with a side stitch. Awesome.

When I made it to my driveway I half expected to see a group of family and friends with lots of food and balloons and such. No. Really.  And a great big sign "You are bitchin, bitchin!" (that was for Kathryn)  While I was a little disappointed there was no DJ playing my favorite songs and there was no medal with my page name "Bitchinrunner" inscribed with a "Sweet 16" on it, I was relieved and pretty amazed at my mental and physical toughness.  Later that day, my beautiful daughter and grandson brought me my favorite ice cream and some homemade lavender soap for my soak in the tub.

Just this past Sunday I went back out to the streets for the second to the last of my long runs in my training schedule. Eighteen miles was on tap for the day and this time I packed my Mazama Side Stream**  with my lemon Tailwind Nutrition***  Before my 16 miler I had some Greek yogurt with berries and honey with an almond Perfect Bar crumbled in for breakfast and it suited my needs. Trying to stay consistent with my nutrition, I had the same thing before this 18 miler.  Along the way, I sipped on my Tailwind and when I made it to the half way point I did another quick assessment of my body. Everything felt great. No pain. No GI issues.

Finishing up that day was a myriad of emotions. Tired? yes. Hungry? yes. Sore? yes. Happy? yes. Grateful? yes. Everything all at once. Beyond 14 is a special place, really. But honestly, anything beyond zero is a huge score. ;)


This wireless Bluetooth headset is just what I needed. My iPhone earbuds are good, but I couldn't keep the wires from getting tangled in my necklace. I looked for Bluetooth headsets but everything I saw was very expensive and got okay reviews. This one was reasonably priced so I tried it.

What I liked:

-Easy to link the device to my iPhone
-Range of the Bluetooth was at least 40feet.
-Sound quality is pretty good.
-Comfortable to wear.
-Inexpensive. (under $40)

-What I didn't like:

-No battery indicator. (only beeps when it's dying)


Trying to find a product for carrying my water/nutrition wasn't a priority for me a few months ago, but just like with the headset, I searched the web for something I would be comfortable with. I almost bought the Ifitness fuel belt or the Amphipod belt then I stumbled upon this.

What I liked:

-Compact design for carrying 1.3L
-No flasks
-Sits snug on lower back, no bouncing.
-Retractable drinking tube so you don't have to stop and sip
-Quality materials
-Pockets for carrying phone, gels etc

What I didn't like:

-Hard to get the last little bit of water out when emptying the bladder.
-The adjustable belt accommodates all waists but the excess belt just hangs down.
-A little noise from the liquid sloshing. Not a big deal really, but you can hear it

I chose this particular one for now because it sits comfortably around my waist with the bladder on the small of my back. I would eventually like to try a vest one. But this one suits my needs right now.


I mentioned how important nutrition is. We've all had those awful moments while running and hitting that wall.  It's no fun.  But as much as it's not fun, it does significant damage to your body and recovery time. Just like you, I've tried lots of stuff. Tailwind nutrition is not new to the market, but new to me.

What I liked:

-Great flavor.  Not sugary sweet.
-Easy to mix. No residue
-No tummy problems
-All in one drink: electrolytes, energy and hydration.

What I didn't like:

-I hate to say 'nothing' but since I've tried other things I was totally impressed with it.

Mixed up the lemon flavor with the recommended 24 oz of water and added to my Mazama. Sipped the whole 18 miles. Never felt like I needed anything else the whole time. Wasn't thirsty, hungry. Didn't ever hit a tired moment during that whole run. Post run I felt great. Felt like it aided in recovery. Although it could just be that since it gives you everything you need DURING the run your body doesn't need much after.

If you have any questions about these items please ask.  Thanks for reading.

Next up:
trail running and road to crazy

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