Saturday, March 19, 2016


Since this is a running blog, I decided to title this post "Running". (Doh) Also, my brain isn't at full capacity and I couldn't think of anything else.  Go with it. Just go with it.

It's been nearly a year since I posted something. Coincidentally, my last post was about yep...running. Well, streaking to be more precise.

It is the eve of my 2 year streak-aversary and YIKES! I am a bit in denial. Two years of running every single day is pure craziness, that I am certain of. The hardest part? Getting out the damned door. So after 731 days of running, I thought I would blog about not why I streak, but why I don't want to stop running. The reasons may surprise you.

The reason I started my streak was for a very simple reason. I wanted to run more. Not just on occasion, not just for half marathon training- I wanted to run more consistently. Progress with anything takes consistency, right?

Through the initial months of running every day, I began to feel an appreciation for it that I had never felt before. My appreciation grew not just for running but for living. The daily ritual of putting on my shoes and taking a step outdoors to run was a feeling of freedom. Of peace. Of strength. It's only now that I look back on that initial first year and think about how my life has changed.

Running everyday is pretty life changing, but it's the stuff in my life that's changed that's kept me running. Like many of you my life revolved around running. Today, running revolves around my life. Literally and metaphorically. It has become that important. My reason to keep running-life.

When life gives you lemons-well, you know the rest. Life served us some humble pie and we graciously ate it all up and licked the pan. That's how you deal with adversity. You move on. You smile and thank the universe for that moment. That is how we dealt with hubby's job loss. That-and running every damned day.

Brings me to this moment. My reason-our reason NOT to stop running. It's not junk miles. It's not crazy for not giving your body rest. It's not stupid for pushing through what ails you. It's for sticking to something every single day. That something that brings you peace, comfort, strength, and clarity. Because life can be junky, life is crazy, life is hurtful-but I am strong-WE are strong.

Life is what you make it. I am making it through life by running-every day.  My choice. My life.

Thanks for reading! Until next time :)