Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bitchin While Running

Let me just start by saying that I am a happy person. I try to live in the moment and not let things bother me. That being said, it doesn't mean that I can't bitch. In fact, it's better to get it all out. We all need that.  Okay, maybe I just need that.

I realize that not everything is worth bitching about, but when it comes to running, well...there is plenty of foul language that escapes my mouth daily. Mostly when I'm running.

The first round of bitchin starts even before I get out the door. Where the hell are all my shorts!? Damn it.  Looking through my clothes, I pull out all tops.  No bottomless running for me! Found em!

My socks and shoes are on and I'm ready...except for the huge boulder in my shoe. So, I untie my perfectly laced shoes and feel what I think is a big rock in my shoe. Only to discover it is this little bitty thing. Moving on to poop...

Not MINE! ewwww!! Dog poop.  But before the poop, I am pacing the driveway waiting for GPS to find me.  Hello! Shouldn't be that hard. Ever see the show 'Person of Interest'? I know they're watching...somewhere. Makes me feel safe. (kidding) I know its a show.  Now on to poop..

Everyone in my community thinks that just because we pay our homeowner's association fees which in turn pays for landscaping, thinks it's perfectly okay to let their dog shit all over the place. The trail is full of dog shit! If dodging dog crap was an Olympic sport, I'd have won the gold medal every day. It's either dodge it or step in it. There are even free bags and a trash can at the beginning of the trails and a huge sign with an illustration.

"Please clean up after your dog" (idiots) Maybe they can't read...Or see. Anyway, no excuses. Be a responsible pet owner.  And now on to pets..

I once got bit by a dog. That was fun. I was out running minding my own damned business. This woman with her dogs on retractable leashes let's them wrap themselves around my legs in a tangled mess. I felt like a spider in a web. Next thing you know one of them is chomping down on my calf. She managed to wrangle them and apologized. I continued on my run and when I got home I noticed the bite mark. It was bleeding a little and was bruising. I was never ever bit by any dog I owned growing up so I had no idea what to do.  Long story short, hubby had a huge fit and took me to urgent care where I got a shot. The doctor was humored by the fact that I could not escape the little dachshunds. No, I didn't try to outrun them because I've never been afraid of dogs. Now, I am. Even little dogs. I have a dog. I love animals, but I will not hesitate to use my pepper spray or to kick them if need be.  I totally don't think it was the dogs fault. It was definitely operator error. Maybe next time I'll kick the owner instead.  Speaking of stupid people....

I run in a high traffic area. Lot's of cars, lot's of people.Can't escape it.  Let's start with the cars. Yes, I know they're operated by people. But I want to talk about cars. Cars are a pretty big weapon. You can do a lot of damage to things, and more importantly to people. I have had too many close calls with cars. People not paying attention behind the wheel. When I first started running around the city I had the attitude of many, "I have the right of way".  As time went on though this changed. The lady I almost slapped from my last post? I did everything right to keep myself safe and she had no regard for my safety.She blew through a red light through the intersection. Now that's just douchey.  And now speaking of douche bags....

Fellas, I do not need your attention when I'm out doing my thing. I'm NOT out there for YOU, I'm out there for ME. Please do not honk and whistle. It doesn't make me feel sexy and wanted. It makes me feel like you're a douche bag.  Keep your eyes on the road and in your head.

Another time I was going behind a car who was blocking the crosswalk waiting for traffic to clear. A walker  (not the walking dead kind) was on the opposite side of the crosswalk proceeding to walk in front of the car. What does the car do? Backs up to let the guy use the crosswalk. HELLO!!!! I'm back here jackass!  Whew.. close one!

So besides cars, people, poop and dogs... bitchin while running takes energy. Maybe, I'll stop bitchin and start bitching.  Nah. Maybe not. :)

Next up: Running love. Love it or hate it.

1 comment:

  1. Here's what I was trying to comment: Whenever I visit my mom I take her little poodle shitzu out daily for walks and I do not leave the house without a little baggie for the poop lol!!! It's so rude to leave it everywhere - gross!! And the honking IS NOT OKAY! Usually it just scares the crap out of me!!!
