Friday, April 10, 2015

I ran and ran and then ran some more.

Who the hell runs EVERY. SINGLE.DAY. ? Streakers, that's who!! You think you're a crazy runner? (You probably are) But, behold the streaker. An example post on the USRSA's FB group page: "I have been throwing up all day, along with diarrhea and have a fever of 105. Should I run a mile to keep my streak alive?" Do I have to tell you what the response is? It is after all a streakers group. Of course you should run!* Running through what ails you to keep the streak alive should be this group's mantra but we know as runners that your body needs rest days, right?! Sure we do. Raise your hands if you've ever run on a rest day. Don't worry, I couldn't see if you did.

Right on the USRSA's own website there is a link :"CAUTION The Dangers of Streak Running"  Yet...yet there are over 500 active streakers. So, what gives? Are we all dumb? Call us determined, call us inspiring, call us crazy. But whatever you do, do NOT call us dumb.  Listen. (or rather read) We know our bodies limits. You'd be hard pressed to find a runner who hasn't run through something.  Am I right? Raise your hand if you have run through an injury or some kind of virus.

I myself have run through horrible migraines, stomach bugs, injuries and all four seasons. I know what you're thinking, "Liz, you live in a desert, you have NO seasons." You're almost right. While we don't have drastic winters with a butt load of snow, or the extreme heat like our neighboring deserts, or the humidity like everywhere else, we do have the dry desert heat. Then there's our altitude.  Over 5k above sea level.   That's something, isn't it? 

I'm not here to brag. It hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns. I've endured the eye of the storm and have made it to my streak anniversary.  How did I get here? 

1) I took my 'rest' days as needed. (1 mile minimum)

2) I woke up early on summer days to avoid the heat. (over 100 on some days)

3) I wore next to nothing on said hot days. (scary stuff)

4) I bitched about said hot days on Facebook pleading for colder days.

5) I nourished my body properly in anticipation of the cold months. (eat all the food)

6) I woke up later during winter months to avoid the cold. (that was hard ;) )

7) I bundled up to stay warm on said cold days. (Layers are bulky + #5) 

8) I bitched about said cold days on Facebook pleading for warmer days.

9) I bitched about my injuries, my husband, dogs, people, drivers, and everything else.

10) Most importantly, I got up EVERY. DAMN. DAY to run at least a mile. EVERY DAY!

The ugly side of streaking that no one speaks of. Fits of rage when you can't go run when you want, tears when you don't want to go run (yes, I had those days) and blood when you're running and trip. Ouch. That covers blood and tears. I know you don't want to know about the buckets of sweat from running over 365 days.  Now, that's ugly...and gross. Eww

On the bright side of things, it hasn't been ALL bad. 

Streaking love. Let me count the ways..

1) I am stronger (my fitness level has improved)

2) I am better (physically and mentally)

3) Longer (my endurance has improved)

4) Lighter (I've lost weight)

5) I am faster (than before I started streaking)

6) My running form has improved significantly.

7) I have a new hm PR

8) I have a lot of new running gear (new Altras for running everyday-yipee!)

9) I have a lot of confidence in myself as a runner and as a person.

10) After 365 days, I have made the USRSA's active streak list! (#541)

How long will I go? Who knows.  I will go as long as my body allows. I'll take it day by day.

Thanks for reading. Thank you for your continued support. Until next time...

*The awesome and supportive group that is the United States Running Streak Association is a great bunch of people.  Some have been streaking for decades. When it comes to running everyday and running through illness and sometimes surgery, they offer up their own personal experiences and always, always make sure to say that the streak is not worth your health. Always run with caution and never put yourself at risk. Period. 


  1. Happy streaking and long may it continue! a great read! Ian :)

    1. Thanks for reading Ian! Thanks for the encouragement as well:D

  2. Great job on the streak! Are you going to keep it going?

    1. Thanks Wendy! I'm gonna go as long as I can. I'll take it one day at a time. Every day is a gift ❤️

  3. Great read! Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment liz! You are truly inspiring and I'm glad to have connected with you! Question for you. How did you get the "labels" on the bottom of this post?

    1. Thank you Gina! I am lucky to have you in my circle. You are amazing !

  4. Wow i am so out of the loop i had no idea there was even a group. I had a running streak one time of 100 days but then my puppy died and i cried for a week .. I just started back a new streak i am on big day 11..I think becoming apart of the groups like on FB will keep me motivated to run ..Thanks..

    1. Hi Vanessa. Thanks for reading and for the comment. I am sorry to hear about your dog :(
      Congrats on starting a new streak ! There is great support on the USRSA FB group. Happy running...and streaking !
