Monday, May 12, 2014

Training. Schmraining

Feels awesome to have a plan. I would know cause I've never had one. Well, not never. I had a plan once. My plan was to create a plan. That counts right?

I went to a dinner party a few years ago where some db was talking about how he didn't need to train for a half marathon. 'I could go run one tomorrow, with no training'.  Well, look at you, Mister fit and fabulous. More like mister ri DICK ulous.  Get. Over. Yourself.   Bitter? Me?!  NO!! Okay.. Well, just a smidge. At the time, I thought 'yeah whatever db'. Today I think 'yeah whatever DB'. Same, but different. (Capitalization on db)

Point of my story is that I believe everyone needs a plan. He probably could have gone out and ran a half marathon the next day. Was it smart to do that? Nope. At least I don't think so. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: 'You did a triathlon with no training'  AND I ALMOST FRICKIN DIED IN THE POOL. 'You also did a half marathon with little training.' AND I FELT LIKE I WAS GONNA DIE.  That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger bs is almost right. I like to say 'That which doesn't kill me makes me a smart ass'.  You know what I learned from those near death experiences?  That you are only as good as the effort you put in.  Commit with everything you have. Don't half ass it. Unless of course you have half of an ass. No. Not even then.

Lifestyle changes come as easy as spreading cold butter on toast. Unless the butter is soft, you end up with a piece of destroyed toast. But it doesn't deter you. You either eat the mangled toast, or get the butter  soft -not melted. Either way works, especially if you're starving and don't care.  But the difference is the approach. My approach, in short was to keep running and to find a healthy balance from a nutritional standpoint.    A ha!    A plan! 

Easier said than done.

My brain needed a break from all the nutrition books I was reading,  but I crammed one last book in. 'It Starts with Food' by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig.  No dairy, no legumes, NO ALCOHOL!! Say what?!!!  OK, well I'm not an alcoholic, but 30 days without a vodka tonic??!  Cray. Zee. The book strongly encourages you to get started immediately. That whole 'I'll start my diet Monday' is probably why.

After 30+ days of Whole 30, I needed a stiff drink AND squishy bread. (That was just the compensation effect talking). I didn't actually have the bread.  Just the drink. X2!  Smooth!  Removing everything that could potentially be affecting my body and then slowly reintroducing those same foods back in was a great start for me.  Caveman/paleo was just scratching the surface. I am not a devout caveman. I switch things up frequently to meet my running demands. Speaking of which....

You can have too much of a good thing. As it happens, I got a running injury. Bleh.  Runner's knee. First rule of run club, do NOT talk about running. No silly. Don't over do it. Do not increase your mileage too quickly or... Or you'll end up on the couch, eating bon bons and watching
The Young and the Restless.  Can I just say that missing one single episode causes lots of friggin confusion. Especially if they suddenly replace an actor with a different one. Oy.

Months went by and my routine was anything but routine. Not running was turning me into a certified biotch. I did what I could do to tame the beast, push ups, core workouts and weight training. Deep down, I was craving a run. More specifically, I wanted to race!  I set my sights once again on the Rock n Roll half marathon in Phoenix. (Jan 2014) Birthday 43!

So, it began.  'It' meaning training. Training schmraining.  Very careful training. I couldn't deal with another injury. With many resources out there, I read a lot of stuff. Like a sponge I absorbed everything I could get in my noggin and set out to move mountains. Well, not quite. But that's what the workouts felt like. Intervals, tempo runs and long runs combined with rest days. Four workout days. I  seriously never knew my body was capable of such things. W. T. F!!! <------ backwards is F.T.W!! That's right: For the Win! I mean who doesn't like feeling like a total badass.??!!! Even if it's just in your own mind.

The beauty of all of this was I was on my way to a second half marathon WITH training.

My plan :  proper training with proper training nutrition.

I knew nothing could stop me now....

Next up: If the shoe it

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